Contemporary Art: Pop Art and Abstract Expressionism

Where I am and what influences me…. and where I hope the future leads me.

Contemporary Art

Abstract Expressionism

My largest Influence was the mid century New York City Abstract Expressionism movement. The size, the gesture and the freedom of interpretation is what captivated my interest.

Abstract Art was not initially what I thought I’d spend my time on - rather, I wanted to tell figurative stories - at the time I was inspired by comic books and advertising.

Influential Artists: Willem de Kooning, Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchel, Cy Twombly, Robert Motherwell, Clyfford Still.

Pop Art

Pop Art and Neo Pop Art…. The history and the images from the 1960s Pop Art scene from my college art history classes had definitely peaked my interest at that time. I was so taken by pure abstraction during my college years, I didn’t directly act any influences on my paintings. It’s taken the last few years of processing what I wanted my art to speak to - Feminism, pulling advertising images from the 1950s and 60s and reinterpreting through a contemporary lens…. Pin up girls especially caught my attention- they were literally treated as unblemished objects on a page. I wanted to see what adding figures and objects would do- could it tell my story better? Would the aesthetic “work”? I have a long time love for textured paintings, so did that mean I couldn’t incorporate the aspects that I learned from pure abstraction in these new works? I’m in the moment of testing and balancing these in my current works…

Influential Artists: Jean Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein

Milk Pour is an oil and acrylic painting by contemporary modern painter Alissa Van Atta.

The Future

My main goal is to expand my reach. I love Chapel Hill, however this area is not exactly rocking a contemporary art scene with many different styles of galleries etc. So I travel…. travel… and travel some more trying to create more relationships between people and galleries - basically anyone who may be interested in what I do.

So what do I do? (laughing). Well primarily paintings of course, but I’ve gotten on board with prints and smaller works, so that’s been fun too. Ceramics/Pottery/Sculpture is an extension of my work in 3D. I used to take Ceramic classes as a child, then a few classes in college, but it wasn’t until a few years ago I bought my own kiln and decided to see what happened. If anything it’s taught me patience.

Where to find me? Located in Chapel Hill (and of course online) but I love traveling and art fairs - especially those in great cities such as New York City, Miami, Los Angeles. I’m open to new ventures, new places…. As long as I’m painting I’m happy.



Building a new series


No Regrets: Why I make Art