"As we speak" is a portrait that commands attention with its striking composition and thought-provoking gaze. The central figure, a black woman adorned in a sweater and adorned with a voluminous afro, is rendered amidst a backdrop of playful polka dots that infuse the artwork with a sense of whimsy and vitality. However, it is the woman's face and hand, intricately drawn in charcoal, that serve as the focal point of the piece. With a gaze that pierces through the canvas, she looks directly at the viewer, her expression neither judgmental nor accusatory, but rather inquisitive and introspective. In her eyes, there is a quiet intensity that beckons the viewer to engage in a dialogue, prompting questions and introspection. Through its blend of acrylic strokes and delicate charcoal details, "As we speak" captivates viewers with its enigmatic presence and invites them to reflect on the complexities of identity, communication, and connection.

As we speak, 2024

Acrylic and Charcoal on Canvas

36 x 36 in.
